Thursday, August 15, 2013

Rajasthan Blessed With Glorious Surprises

Rajasthan Cultural Tour is designed by the tour operators to explore this culturally rich Indian state.Rajasthan Cultural Tour is designed by the tour operators to explore this culturally rich Indian state.    Culture is a thing of past and present; hence tours of Rajasthan always includes the heritage monuments of the past as well contemporary elements of culture such as cuisine, folk music, dance of the various tribes and castes of the state.This state of India has been appropriately named Rajasthan as it literally means "The Land of the Kings". This state of India is rich in history, grand architectures, beautiful landscapes and windswept sand dunes. If you are on a Tour to Rajasthan, you get an opportunity to witness the grandeur of history.


The main attraction of Rajasthan which seduces the tourists most is its naturally beautiful sights, geography, rich history of royal glory & tradition. Other major attraction for nature lovers & tourists are Bharatpur, Ranthambhor, Sambhar salt lake & natural sights of Mount Abu. Most of the population here at Rajasthan is traditional and they are into constantly transferring their traditional values & rich cultural heritage from one generation to another. Height of the art & creativity can be seen here among the people of Rajasthan. Tourists all across the world come to experience the beauty of this heavenly place on the earth.

Temples of Rajasthan

Temples of Rajasthan are living testimony to the artistic talent of Rajasthan. The notable temples of Rajasthan are Dilwara Temples, Someshvara Temple, Mahavira Temple, Jain temples of Jaisalmer, Birla Mandir- jaipur, Eklingji Mandir- Udaipur, Brahma Mandir- Ajmer & Karni Mata Temple- Bikaner. 

Ranthambore National Park

Ranthambhore National Park in Rajasthan is one of the most popular and largest national parks in Northern India. It is known for its tigers. Ranthambore Fort, Tigers and Jeep Safari rides are attractions here.

Amber Fort

Also known as Amer Kila, it is an impressive fortress located in the outskirt of Jaipur atop a hill. The construction which is known these days as "Amber Fort" was in the beginning a palace complex within the original fort of Amber that is nowadays famous as Jaigarh Fort. Linked to Amber via fortified walkways, Jaigarh Fort is positioned on a hill on top of the Amber Fort complex, and is built of red sandstone and white marble. It overlooks Maotha Lake a major tourist attraction of tour in Rajasthan. Tourists enjoy access to the fort complex by an elephant ride.

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